Thursday, October 13, 2011

Justin – Ram 1500


This truck is Justin's baby, it's a 2009 with less than 17,000 miles on it, all of those miles he has put on it. This purchase was a long time coming, he saved for many years for the down payment on this truck. He didn't have the Ram 1500 specifically picked out, just that he wanted a full size pickup truck. It is not his daily driver for that he has an older explorer. The Ram is for weekends and the occasional work task.

He is a Food Broker and Corporate Chef and has to haul food and equipment from time to time. Although his favorite thing to haul is the ski boat down to Lake Gaston to play on the water. He has some great memories taking his truck down there.

Justin is known for going through cars, not destroying them, just trading them in after a year, he says "I plan on driving this truck into the ground," for those of us who know him we are taking a wait and see approach.

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